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Oats is a kind of cereal grain which is suitable for human consumption as oatmeal. Oats is one of the quickest and healthiest breakfasts and is used to make a variety of recipes like porridge, upma or idli.
Traditionally, Oats have been used since long and are considered as a good source of energy that are useful in weight management. They also help to regulate cholesterol levels thereby keeping the heart healthy. Oats can also be taken by diabetics as they are effective in regulating the blood sugar levels.
Using Oats along with honey as a face scrub might also be beneficial in managing various skin problems.
Olive oil, also known as 'Jaitoon ka tel' is a pale yellow to dark green oil. It is extensively used in cooking and as a salad dressing.
Olive oil helps to reduce high cholesterol as it lowers total and bad cholesterol in the body. It also helps in controlling diabetes by lowering the blood sugar levels and helps manage constipation due to its laxative property. Apart from these, it might also be beneficial in managing high blood pressure and rheumatoid arthritis.
Olive oil is good for skin and hair. It helps control dryness and improves overall complexion of the skin when applied daily at night. This is due to its anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
According to Ayurveda, Olive oil helps in balancing Vata-Kapha and slightly Pitta dosha as well. It is good for massage in babies when used along with some essential oils.
Olive oil might lower blood sugar levels. Thus, it is advisable for diabetic patients to monitor their blood sugar levels regularly while taking Olive oil so as to avoid any sudden drop in sugar levels.
Onion or Pyaaz has a strong pungent smell and is used in various forms to impart flavour to dishes. There are various types of Onions such as white, red and spring Onion that can also be used raw in salads. Chopping Onions produces a volatile, sulphur-rich oil that causes teary eyes. It activates the tear glands in our eyes and produce tears.
Incorporating raw Onions in your diet during the summer season is the best way to protect yourself from heat stroke. Onions also help ease bowel movements thereby managing various digestive disorders.
According to Ayurveda, Onion may help improve erection time due to its aphrodisiac property. External application of Onion juice, paste or oil help remove excessive dryness, prevents hair fall as well as promotes hair growth due to its Snigdha (oily) and Ropan (healing) properties.
It must be kept in mind that excessive consumption of Onion may cause various digestive problems, especially in people suffering for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Orange is a delicious juicy fruit commonly known as “Santra” and “Narangi”. The fruit is a rich source of vitamin C which makes it a powerful immune booster.
Orange is packed with various essential nutrients and a high fiber content that helps improve the energy levels. The daily consumption of 1-2 cups of Orange juice before breakfast improves digestion. The antioxidant activity of Orange helps protect against certain problems such as liver disease, asthma and cholesterol levels.
Applying Orange juice on the scalp helps improves hair growth and delays the greying of hair. It also prevents dandruff due to its antiviral property. Orange peel or essential oil helps delay skin ageing due to its antioxidant property. It keeps the skin moisturized, softens it and has a cleansing effect on oily skin. It also reduces inflammation in the affected area because of its anti-inflammatory property.
Excessive consumption of Oranges may cause abdominal discomfort and it may also lead to heartburn.
Padmak is commonly known as Himalayan Cherry tree. It has a wide range of traditional uses and its fruit, seeds and gum are used for various medicinal applications.
In Ayurveda, it is also called Padmaka and is prescribed for the management of skin diseases. It helps in improving skin complexion due to its Pitta balancing nature. Applying Padmak bark paste in the form of plaster promotes bone healing. It also reduces bleeding due to its astringent properties. Padmak also prevents skin dryness due to its Snigdha (oily) and Kashaya (astringent) properties and helps maintains a healthy and glowing skin.
Excessive consumption of Padmak might cause certain side effects like weakness, spasms and convulsions in some people
Palash is commonly known as the “Flame of the forest” or the “Flame tree” and various parts of the plant like flowers, bark, leaf and seed gum are used for medicinal purposes.
Palash is mainly used to get rid of worms from the stomach due to its anthelmintic activity. It can be used to manage diarrhoea as it has antimicrobial and astringent properties. It also helps to manage liver disorders due to its antioxidant properties. Taking Palash leaf powder might help in managing blood sugar levels by improving glucose metabolism in the body.
Applying Palash leaf paste on the skin helps in managing skin infections and also promotes wound healing due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Palash decoction can also be used to wash pubic areas in case of vaginal infections and urinary problems due to its antifungal and antimicrobial properties
Paneer is an animal product which is prepared by curdling hot milk using lime juice, vinegar or citric acid. It can be eaten raw as well as to prepare a variety of dishes. There are various types of Paneer such as conventional Paneer, low fat Paneer, soy Paneer, filled Paneer and vegetable stuff Paneer
Papaya, known as “Erandakarkati” in Ayurveda, is a low calorie juicy fruit rich in vitamin C and A. The fruit as well as other parts of the plant (such as seeds) are edible and known to have medicinal properties.
Papaya is beneficial for skin due to its antioxidant property. Antioxidants such as vitamin C help reduce inflammation and fight against various diseases by strengthening the immunity. Papaya pulp can be applied as a facial mask to help reduce pigmentation, acne and wrinkles on the skin.
In Ayurveda, the juice of Papaya leaves is known to inhibit the growth of dengue virus and increase platelet count. The daily intake of Papaya helps promote digestion and provide relief from constipation as well as hyperacidity due to its laxative property. Papaya also helps in healthy functioning of the heart due to the presence of potassium, fiber and vitamins which in turn helps in the management of high blood pressure. In the food industry, Papaya is used to tenderize meat as it contains an enzyme called papain that breaks down proteins.
Excessive consumption of Papaya must be avoided as it may cause flatulence and loose motions. Papaya latex might also cause irritation and blistering on skin, due to which hypersensitive people are generally advised to consult a doctor before taking it
Pashanbhed or stone breaker is a well known Indian herb. It’s rhizome is the most used part for medicinal purposes.
Pashanbhed is mostly used for the removal of kidney and urinary tract stones due to its antilithic property. According to Ayurveda, consuming Pashanbhed powder increases urine production and helps in easy removaI of stones due to its Mutral (diuretic) property.
Pashanbhed might also help in reducing fever due to its antipyretic property and give relief from cough due to its antitussive properties. It might also help manage ulcers due to its antioxidant and antiulcer properties.
You can apply Pashanbhed paste on the skin to manage boils and inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory property
Patha or Laghupatha is an Indian traditional medicine whose roots are used for medicinal purposes. It helps to manage diarrhea by preventing the growth of bacteria responsible for causing diarrhea, as well as prevent the loss of fluid from the body due to its antimicrobial and antidiarrheal properties.
Patha helps to manage asthma by enhancing immunity and preventing inflammation of the respiratory passages due to its immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. This clears the blockage of respiratory passages and helps to release mucus.
Ayurveda also supports its use for managing cough due to its Kapha balancing property. Taking Patha powder along with honey twice daily helps to clear mucus which provides relief from the symptoms of cough and asthma. Patha powder also helps to improve male sexual health due to its Vrishya (aphrodisiac) properties and is also useful for managing menstrual problems like pain or cramps during periods due to its Vata balancing property.
Patha helps in managing various skin problems like infections and dermatitis due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Applying Patha paste along with honey promotes faster wound healing due to its Ropan (healing) property. Rubbing Patha paste along with honey on your gums and teeth also helps to get relief from toothache and swelling
Peanut or the famous Mungphali is an edible seed which is consumed raw as well used in many traditional cuisines. They are a rich source of protein, fiber and heart-healthy fats.
Peanuts promote a feeling of fullness that helps to control hunger and reduce the urge to eat large quantities of food. This makes them effective for managing weight. Using Peanut oil in cooking might help reduce cholesterol and keep the heart healthy.
According to Ayurveda, Peanut oil can be applied externally to manage dry skin by moisturizing it due to its Snigdha (oily) property. It can also be applied to get relief from joint pain due to arthritis due to its Vata balancing and Snigdha (oily) properties.
Avoid drinking water after eating Peanuts to prevent cough. It is also important to avoid consuming Peanuts as well as applying Peanut oil on the skin if you are allergic to it
Pear, also known as Amritphale is a sweet fruit. There are two varieties of Pear, hard (Nashpati) and soft (Babbu-gosha). Pear is a rich dietary source of minerals and vitamins.
Eating Pear regularly helps to manage constipation as it has high dietary fibers. Due to low calories and vitamin C content, it helps in weight management and boosts immunity.
Pear also helps to manage diabetes as it has hypoglycemic activity due to which it controls blood sugar levels. It is good for the heart due to its antioxidant activity that helps protect against free radical damage.
Pear can be applied to the face in the form of pulp to get rid of blemishes. It contains arbutin which lowers the melanin levels and helps in skin whitening. Applying the paste of Pear leaves also helps in faster wound healing.
According to Ayurveda, people having weak digestion should avoid over consumption of Pear as it takes longer time to digest due to its Guru (heavy) nature
Pea or Matar is an edible green seed with various medicinal properties. Green peas are one of the best plant-based sources of protein that also contains a good amount of antioxidants and fiber. Peas can be frozen at home for a long period of time. Frozen peas retain more vitamin C as well as other essential nutrients.
Peas helps in weight loss due to the presence of fiber that promotes a feeling of fullness and prevent overeating. Raw Peas are also used as an appetizer which helps provide relief from constipation by promoting bowel movements due to its laxative property. It also helps manage the level of blood sugar due to its anti-diabetic and antioxidant properties and thus reduce the risk of diabetic complications. Peas are also beneficial for good heart health due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
It should be noted that excessive consumption of Peas might cause bloating in some people
Peepal, a large evergreen tree, is considered to be sacred in India. It not only emits oxygen but also has many important medicinal benefits. Different parts of the Peepal such as root bark, stem bark, roots, leaves, and fruits are used to manage conditions like high blood sugar levels, constipation, and asthma.
Peepal is beneficial for managing skin diseases. The topical application of Peepal leaf extract in the form of ointment helps in wound healing. It helps in reducing the inflammation related to eczema due to its anti-inflammatory property.
Peepal bark helps reduce the symptoms of diarrhea by contracting the mucosal cells or other body tissues due to its astringent property. The dried powder of Peepal bark is used in the management of respiratory problems due to its anti-allergic property. The pills made from powdered Peepal leaves might be used to manage constipation due to its laxative property.
Peepal might cause allergies in some hypersensitive individuals, so it is advisable to use Peepal formulations under medical supervision only
Pippali is an essential herb used in various Ayurvedic medicines. The roots and fruits of Pippali are used for its medicinal purposes. Fruits of this plant are slight yellow to orange in color and pungent in taste.
Pippali is an effective home remedy in managing cough and cold. Swallowing Pippali powder along with honey after lunch and dinner helps release mucus from the air passages due to its expectorant property, thus allowing the patient to breathe easily. It’s consumption might also help promote weight loss by improving the body’s metabolism. Consuming Pippali powder might be useful in managing constipation by promoting bowel movements due to its laxative property.
Pippali might also be beneficial in managing toothache. Rubbing a paste of Pippali powder along with honey on the gums and teeth reduces pain and inflammation in the teeth due to its Kapha balancing nature.
In some cases, Pippali consumption might cause heartburn and acidity due to its hot potency. So it is generally advisable to consult your doctor before taking Pippali if you have stomach ulcers
Pistachio, commonly known as Pista, is a healthy protein-rich nut. It is rich in potassium, phosphorus and other essential nutrients important for several body functions.
Pistachio helps enhance the immune system by preventing cell damage caused by free radicals due to its antioxidant activity.The presence of fiber, protein and certain unsaturated fatty acids in Pistachio help improve digestion and aid in weight loss. Pistachio also has an important role in Inflammatory bowel disease due to its anti-inflammatory activity which prevents the damage and inflammation of the intestinal barrier.
Pistachio oil can be used to manage skin hyperpigmentation as it reduces the melanin production in the body. As per ayurveda, Pistachio oil can also be applied on the skin to help prevent sunburn due to its Ropan (healing) nature.
It should be kept it in that you consume Pistachio in a limited amount as excess intake might lead to rapid weight gain in obese people
Pittapapada or Fumitory is an annual herb found as a common weed all over the plains of India. The whole plant is widely used in traditional and folkloric systems of medicine. In traditional systems of medicine, the plant is reputed for its anthelmintic, diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative, cholagogue, stomachic, sedative, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, prokinetic, laxative, dermatological, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, reproductive, anticholinesterase, and smooth muscle relaxant effects. These properties help to manage diseases like dyspepsia and scrofulous skin infection, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever, jaundice, leprosy, and syphilis. The plant is also used to purify blood in cutaneous disease and liver obstruction.
Plum is a sweet and juicy summer fruit which is also known as Aalu Bukhara.
Adding plums to your daily diet might help prevent constipation as they are rich in dietary fibers. It is also good for bone health and assists in managing osteoarthritis due to its anti-inflammatory activity.
Plum also helps lower cholesterol levels and improves blood circulation as it contains potassium that helps relax the blood vessels and enhance the flow of blood. This might help keep the heart healthy and reduce the risk of heart diseases. Plums might also be good for diabetics as they have blood sugar lowering property.
Applying the paste of Plums on the skin might help in wound healing as well as skin softening. It also has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties due to which it prevents infections and improves skin appearance
Pomegranate is a treasure of nutrients, known as “Dadima” in Ayurveda, that has been used for its numerous health benefits for centuries. It is popularly considered as a “blood purifier”.
Pomegranate juice, when taken on a regular basis, is helpful in relieving digestive problems like diarrhea. It is also beneficial for managing heart problems and high cholesterol as it helps keep the arteries unclogged due to its antioxidant property. Taking Pomegranate seeds or juice helps improve energy levels and increases sexual stamina in men. It might also be beneficial in managing arthritis as it possesses anti-inflammatory property.
Pomegranate seed or flower extract might be useful in managing dental problems due to its antibacterial property. Moreover, applying a paste of Pomegranate seed powder and water to the skin helps prevent sunburn.
A good home remedy involves applying a paste of Pomegranate leaves and coconut oil or water on the forehead and massaging for a few minutes to get relief from headache.
Sometimes drinking chilled Pomegranate juice might cause a runny nose
Potato or the famous “Aloo” is a complete package of various medicinal and healing properties. It is a widely consumed vegetable as it is a rich source of various essential nutrients.
Potatoes, being rich in carbohydrates, are an energy-rich vegetable and consuming them even in a limited quantity provides a feeling of fullness. Taken in the boiled form, they might be useful in managing weight.
Directly applying raw Potato slices on the skin might help prevent skin problems including burns and boils. It also acts as a natural bleach and might be helpful in reducing pigmentation.
Excessive consumption of Potato might raise the blood sugar levels. So, it is advisable for diabetics to avoid or reduce the consumption of Potato in the diet
Pudina is also known as brown mint, garden mint and lady’s mint. It is a rich source of polyphenols and has a characteristic aromatic odor and pungent taste.
Pudina aids in digestion and helps in weight management due to its carminative (relieves gas) and antispasmodic property. Chewing Pudina leaves helps in getting relief from bloating and gas. Pudina tablets and pudina drops also helps in indigestion. It might also help in improving brain functions by preventing cell damage due to its antioxidant property. The essential oils present in it might be beneficial for toothache due to their cooling property. Drinking Pudina tea on a regular basis helps in weight loss by improving the metabolism due to its antioxidant properties.
Pudina leaf powder when applied on skin along with rose water helps to get rid of acne, scars and spots due to its antiinflammatory property. Applying fresh Pudina leaf paste on skin also helps in managing boils and skin infections due to its antimicrobial property.
It is advisable to use Pudina oil in a diluted form along with some carrier oil like coconut oil to avoid irritation of the skin
Pumpkin, generally known as “Bitter melon”, is considered as one of nature’s best medicinal vegetables as it is packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help us keep healthy.
Pumpkin might be useful in managing diabetes as it helps increase insulin secretion in the body. It is also one of the most beneficial vegetables to help boost immunity.
All parts of this plant are used but seeds have gained more importance because of their high nutritional value. Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of bioactive compounds with medicinal properties. The oil obtained from the seed is used as a preservative and as an ingredient in cosmetics, foods and nutraceutical. Pumpkin seed oil helps keep the skin healthy and youthful
Punarnava is a well known medicinal plant packed with essential nutrients, vitamins such as vitamin C and other constituents.
Taking Punarnava juice before meals might help manage stomach disorders such as constipation by promoting bowel movements due to its laxative property. It also provides relief from gas and abdominal pain. Punarnava is effective in improving digestion and managing weight by suppressing appetite. Punarnava also helps increase urine production due to its diuretic activity and reduces the risk of urinary complications. It might also be useful for managing liver problems due to its antioxidant activity which prevents liver cell damage caused by free radicals.
Applying Punarnava paste helps to heal skin due to its quick wound healing activity. Moreover, according to Ayurveda, massaging with Punarnava oil helps reduce joint pain due to its Vata balancing property.
It is advisable to use Punarnava powder with water or coconut oil if you have hypersensitive skin
Quinoa or “Keen-wah or ke-NO-ah” is a grain with exceptional nutritional value due to the presence of essential amino acids, proteins and monounsaturated fatty acids. It is gluten-free and has a low glycemic index which increases its health benefits.
Consumption of quinoa aids in weight loss as it has high fiber content that provides a feeling of fullness, thus preventing overeating. It also exhibits anti-obesity effects by reducing lipid uptake and increasing energy utilization.
Quinoa is commonly used in hair care. As Quinoa has high protein content, it nourishes the hair follicles and makes them strong. The minerals present in Quinoa help in sealing moisture and preventing dandruff.
It is advisable to consume Quinoa in food amounts as it is high in calories and overconsumption might lead to weight gain. Also, those allergic to grains should consult their physician before consuming Quinoa
Ragi or Finger Millet is a highly nutritious grain. It is rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and calcium. Due to its high nutrient value and fiber content it is considered good for the babies.
Ragi helps in managing blood glucose levels making it good for diabetics. It also helps promote bone health due to the presence of calcium and minerals.
According to Ayurveda, Ragi is good for cholesterol management due to its Ama (toxin) reducing activity. Eating Ragi flakes for breakfast and Ragi flour chapatis is considered good for weight management due to its high fiber content.
Applying Ragi flour paste with milk on the face helps to get rid of wrinkles. It has collagen and antioxidants which prevent the signs of aging
Rasna is also as “Yukta” in Ayurveda. It is a versatile aromatic plant with great medicinal value. It is an undershrub widely distributed in greater parts of India and the adjoining Asian countries.
Rasna is beneficial in managing arthritis as it reduces inflammation and joint pain due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is also good for kidneys as it reduces oxidative stress due to its antioxidant properties. As per Ayurveda, drinking Rasna kadha (decoction) is useful in arthritis and kidney problems.
Rasna is useful in wound healing as it increases the wound contractions. Massaging joints with Rasna oil gives relief in pain and inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties
Red Sandalwood, commonly known as Raktachandan, is a tree that is native and endemic to India. The wood part present at the centre of the trunk, also known as heartwood, is used for medicinal purposes.
Red Sandalwood is used for skincare and cosmetic purposes. Applying Red Sandalwood powder mixed with honey or rose water helps manage acne and scars due to its anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
As per Ayurveda, Applying Red Sandalwood paste on the wound helps in wound healing due to its Ropan (healing) property. Red Sandalwood bark helps lower blood sugar levels by enhancing insulin secretion due to its anti-diabetic property. Certain antioxidants present in Red Sandalwood bark helps manage high cholesterol levels. Taking a decoction of Red Sandalwood helps to manage dysentery due to its astringent property.
Red Sandalwood powder might cause allergic reactions like contact dermatitis in some individuals. So, it is advisable to consult a physician before using Red Sandalwood
Reetha or Soapnuts is also called as Arishtak in Ayurveda and “Soap nut tree” in India. It is well known for its traditional medicinal uses and is commonly used as a hair cleanser.
Reetha is extensively used to make natural hair care products as it makes hair shiny, healthy and lustrous. It can be used on a daily basis to provide nourishment to the hair scalp and promote hair regrowth. Reetha powder can be mixed with warm water to form a paste which can be used to massage the scalp to help manage dandruff and also remove lice from the scalp due to its insecticidal property. The powder of Amla and Reetha can be applied to the hair to help control greying of hair and also stimulate better hair growth.
You can add Reetha powder to water and boil it till it gets reduced to half and then use it as a body wash as it is good for the skin. As per Ayurveda, it also helps manage skin infections such as eczema, psoriasis and pimples due to its Tridosha property (Vatta Pitta Kaph balancing property). Reetha decoction (Kadha) might also act as a wound cleanser as it accelerates wound healing and stops secondary infections.
It is advisable to avoid the use of Reetha water on sensitive parts such as eyes as it may cause redness and swelling of the eyelids
Revand Chini is a perennial herb (Rheum emodi) and belongs to the family Polygonaceae. Dried rhizomes of this plant is pungent and bitter in taste and are used for its medicinal properties. It contains protein, fat, fibre, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, phosphorous, iron and vitamin C. The chief chemical constituent of this herb are raponticin and chrysophanic acid, which are present in high quantity in rhizomes and are responsible to control constipation (difficulty in passing stool), diarrhoea, children’s ailments and are also used to lower the symptoms of rheumatism (inflammation and pain in the joints, muscles), gout, epilepsy (neurological disorder) etc
Rose or Rosa centifolia is also known as Shatapatri or Taruni and is available in various parts of India.It is used in the traditional system of medicine for managing various diseases.
Rose powder or petal jam (gulkand) is useful in managing digestive problems like hyperacidity and diarrhea due to its anti-inflammatory property.
Rose water, derived from its petals, is good for rejuvenating skin and fighting skin problems like allergies and acne. A few drops of Rose water may help provide instant relief from strain in the eyes due to its Sita (cooling) and Ropan (healing) properties. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor before using Rose water for eye problems.
Using Rose oil in a diffuser can help calm and soothe the senses as its fragrance is a powerful mood enhancer
Rosemary, known as Rujamari in Ayurveda, is an aromatic medicinal plant. It is famous for its essential oil that is widely used in the manufacturing of soaps and perfumes. Besides this, it also has ornamental and culinary value.
Rosemary oil is beneficial for skin as it prevents wrinkles and signs of aging due to its antioxidant property. It also promotes hair regrowth in males by improving the circulation of blood in the scalp. You can also use Rosemary oil for massaging your joints as it possesses anti-inflammatory properties.
Rosemary helps in boosting memory by improving the signal transmission in the brain. Drinking Rosemary tea and massaging forehead with Rosemary oil relaxes the brain and relieves headaches. You can also inhale Rosemary essential oil to manage stress and depression.
You should avoid the excessive use of Rosemary as it might cause certain side effects like vomiting, uterine bleeding, skin redness, or irritation
Sabudana or Indian Sago is extracted from Tapioca roots and is used in both food and for commercial purposes. Sabudana is a rich source of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamin K, calcium and potassium.
It is nutritious, light and easy to digest making it an ideal “baby food”. It is also suitable for people having the problem of indigestion.
Regular consumption of Sabudana is beneficial for weight gain as it is rich in carbohydrates and contains high calories. It is naturally gluten-free which makes it a suitable replacement option for wheat-based products for people having wheat allergies.
Sabudana is generally eaten as Sabudana khichdi or kheer. It should be soaked in water or boiled before consumption. It is said that Sabudana porridge can be an effective and simple food to cool and balance body heat.
People suffering from diabetes should avoid eating Sabudana as it contains a high amount of starch and may cause a sudden rise in blood sugar levels
Safed musli or White musli is a wildly grown white-colored herb. It is often referred to as "White gold" or "Divya aushad".
Safed musli is used popularly to improve sexual performance and general overall health in both men and women. Safed musli helps manage erectile dysfunction as well as stress-induced sexual problems. It also helps improve the quality as well as quantity of sperm due to its spermatogenic, anti-stress and antioxidant properties.
You can consume Safed musli powder (or churna) with lukewarm milk once or twice a day
Saffron (Crocus sativus) is an herb that is widely cultivated in India and other parts of the world. The flower of Saffron contains a thread like red-colored stigma which is dried and used commercially as a spice for its powerful odor and also for Ayurvedic preparations.
Saffron helps relieve cough and asthma when taken along with honey. It is also beneficial in managing the problems of the reproductive system, such as, erectile dysfunction in men and menstrual pain in women.
Taking Saffron with milk relaxes the nervous system which helps reduce anxiety and prevents insomnia.
Saffron is also useful in skin problems as it protects against sun damage. Adding a few drops of Saffron oil to your daily-use cream might help prevent pigmentation and promote skin whitening
Sal is believed to be the “House of Tribal Goddess” and is valued as a holy tree. It has religious, medicinal as well as commercial significance and its wood is used in the furniture industry.
Sal is generally used to prevent diarrhea and dysentery due to its astringent property. It also reduces swelling and controls bleeding due to its analgesic and astringent properties.
According to Ayurveda, taking Sal tree powder along with honey helps in managing female disorders like metrorrhagia (bleeding at irregular intervals) and leucorrhoea (white discharge from the vagina) due to its Sita (cold) and Kashaya (astringent) properties. It also helps in managing joint pain and arthritis by reducing the pain and inflammation due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Sal tree resin promotes wound healing and skin problems like excessive oiliness, itching, rashes etc. due to its astringent and antimicrobial properties. Sal leaves paste along with honey can be applied on the skin to reduce marks and scars. Treating wounds with a paste of Sal resin powder and honey helps to speed up wound healing.
Some people may show sensitivity towards Sal tree resin and may develop rashes. So it is advisable to use it with any carrier oil like coconut or sesame oil
Sandalwood or Svetchandan is also known as Srigandha as per Ayurveda. It is one of the oldest and most precious sources of natural fragrance with immense medicinal and commercial significance.
Sandalwood tea helps in managing the liver and gallbladder problems due to its hepatoprotective property. Mental problems might also be improved by consuming Sandalwood tea.
Sandalwood oil has various benefits for the skin. Topical application of Sandalwood oil on the face helps promote skin cell growth. Generally, it is considered as the best remedy for headaches when applied in the form of paste or oil. Inhalation of Sandalwood oil also helps to manage respiratory infections that work by reducing the inflammation in the lung airways due to its anti-inflammatory property.
As per Ayurveda, Sandalwood has Sita (cold) property, so individuals sensitive to cold should take Sandalwood under medical supervision. It is also advisable to avoid the excess intake of Sandalwood as it might cause gastrointestinal disturbances
Senna, or Swarnapatri in Sanskrit, is also known as Indian senna. It is used for various medicinal purposes, including constipation.
According to Ayurveda, Senna helps in managing constipation due to its Rechana (laxative) property. Taking a Senna leaf powder along with lukewarm water also helps in managing weight by improving the Agni (digestive fire) and thus digestion due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Usna (hot) property.
Senna helps in managing blood sugar levels by increasing the insulin production due to its antioxidant property. It also helps to remove worms from the intestine due to its anthelmintic property.
Applying Senna leaf paste on the skin helps in managing various skin problems like inflammation, blisters, redness etc. due to its Ropan (healing) property.
It must be kept in mind that excessive consumption of Senna might cause severe diarrhea and loss of fluid from the body. So, it is advisable to take Senna as recommended by a physician
Sesame seeds also known as Til, is mainly grown for its seed and oil. It is packed with various nutrients and fibre and can be beneficial to add in your daily diet. Sesame seeds can be consumed roasted, crushed or sprinkled over salads.
Sesame seeds and Sesame seed oil can be used for cooking and might be useful in managing cholesterol as it helps maintain the level of good cholesterol (HDL) and lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. Sesame seeds also helps reduce blood glucose levels due to its anti-diabetic activity.
As per Ayurveda, consuming raw Sesame seeds helps to correct the digestive fire by reducing Ama due to its Ushna nature.
Sesame seed oil helps in the management of arthritic pain and inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Massaging your joints with Sesame seed oil reduces the pain and inflammation. Sesame seed oil is beneficial for the skin and applying it on the face overnight makes skin soft and tightens it due to the presence of antioxidants. It’s application also promotes wound healing due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties.
It should be noted that Sesame seeds/oil or its supplements may cause allergic reactions in some people. So, it is advisable to consult your doctor if you experience any allergic reaction after consuming Sesame seeds
Shallaki is a holy plant which is widely used in traditional medicine and is considered to be an important part of Ayurvedic medicine. The oleo gum resin extracted from this plant has various medicinal properties.
Arthritic patients can take 1-2 Shallaki tablets along with water to get relief from swelling in the joint. It reduces swelling as well as stiffness in the inflamed joints due to its anti-inflammatory property. Consuming Shallaki juice (before taking food) on a regular basis also helps improves brain function as it prevents cell damage caused by free radicals due to its antioxidant activity.
As per Ayurveda, massaging Shallaki oil along with coconut oil gently on the affected areas also provides relief from joint pains due to its analgesic property. It’s topical application helps to heal wounds due to its faster healing activity. Applying Shallaki powder (along with water in the form of a paste) on the skin helps manage the symptoms of ageing.
Avoid the excessive intake of Shallaki as it might cause nausea and stomach pain
Shalparni is bitter as well as sweet in taste. The root of this plant is one of the constituents of the famous Ayurvedic preparation called Dasmoola.
Shalparnia helps to manage fever due to its antipyretic property. It is also useful for respiratory problems like bronchitis as it helps to relax the respiratory passages and decreases inflammation due to its bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory properties. This allows free flow of air to respiratory passages and eases breathing.
According to Ayurveda, Shalparni is beneficial for male sexual health as it helps to manage problems like premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction due to its Vrishya (aphrodisiac) property. It helps to increase the blood flow to the penis and helps maintain the erection. Taking Shalparni powder along with water regularly helps in improving male sexual health.
Shalparni helps to manage piles by reducing inflammation at the anal site due to its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. Taking Shalparni powder along with water manages piles due to its Pitta balancing and Shothhar (anti-inflammatory) properties.
Shalparni is also beneficial in wound healing as it prevents infections and reduces inflammation due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Applying Shalparni leaf paste on the scalp reduces dandruff as well as hairfall due to its antifungal properties. As per Ayurveda, applying Shalparni leaf powder along with rose water on the forehead is a remedy for managing headache
Shankhpushpi or Shyamaktanta is a perennial herb that is used for its medicinal benefits.
It helps to manage digestion and constipation due to its mild laxative property. It improves mental health and might help in managing depression due to its antidepressant activity.
According to Ayurveda, Shankhpushpi helps to calm down the brain and relieve stress as well as anxiety. It also improves memory by acting as a brain tonic due to its Medhya (improves intelligence) property. You can take Shankhpushpi powder along with warm milk or water to help boost memory and concentration. Shankhpushpi tablets and capsules can also be used to improve brain functions.
Shankhpushpi might help to manage wrinkles and prevent ageing due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) property. Applying Shankhpushpi powder on skin helps in acne and wound healing due to its Ropan (healing) property. Applying Shankhpushpi oil on the scalp and hair help control hair fall and also promotes hair growth due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) property.
Shatavari is an Ayurvedic rasayana herb which is also known as the female-friendly herb. It is helpful in menstrual disorders and acts as a uterine tonic. It enhances breast development and increases breast milk production by regulating hormonal balance.
Shatavari is also beneficial for men as it improves testosterone levels. It might be good for diabetics as it helps manage blood sugar levels. Shatavari might also promote memory functions due to its antioxidant activity.
According to Ayurveda, Shatavari boosts immunity due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) property and helps in weight gain due to its Balya property.
Shatavari powder can be taken along with milk or honey twice a day to get relief from the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
Applying Shatavari powder paste along with milk or honey on the skin helps to get rid of wrinkles. It can also help promote wound healing when applied along with coconut oil.
People with weak digestion are advised to avoid taking Shatavari as it is Guru (heavy) in nature and might take time to get digested
Shea Butter is a solid fat that is extracted from the nuts of the Shea tree mainly found in the wild areas of west and east Africa.
Shea Butter is most commonly used in creams, lotions, moisturisers for skin and hair. Applying Shea Butter on scalp prevents hair damage due to the presence of antioxidants. Shea Butter has anti-ageing properties that helps to soften the skin and stimulates skin cell regeneration. Regular application of Shea Butter on lips during extreme cold and summer season keeps them soft and moisturized due to the presence of vitamin E.
Shea Butter helps in the management of arthritis by reducing inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It also has an analgesic property that reduces the pain associated with muscle soreness.
Although consumption of Shea Butter in food amounts is safe. But, it is advisable to avoid the excessive consumption of Shea Butter or consult a physician before taking Shea Butter
Tagar is a hairy herb that grows in the temperate regions of the Himalayas and Khasia.
Tagar roots help in reducing anxiety and improving sleep as it relaxes the central nervous system due to its sedative and anxiolytic properties. It is beneficial in managing blood pressure by relaxing the smooth muscles and increasing the blood flow due to its blood pressure-lowering activity. Tagar also helps manage muscle pain as it possesses antispasmodic and analgesic properties. In Ayurveda, taking Tagar powder along with milk helps to induce sound sleep due to its Vata balancing properties.
Externally, Tagar helps in managing skin diseases as it inhibits the growth of skin pathogens due to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.
As Tagar has sedative activity, it is advisable not to take this along with sedatives or CNS depressants as it might prolong the drowsiness
Tamarind also known as “Indian date” is a sweet and sour fruit that is an integral part of the Indian cuisine and has many health benefits.
Tamarind is considered good for constipation due to its laxative property. It helps to boost immunity as it is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, making it useful in managing common cold.
Tamarind powder might also help to manage blood sugar as well as insulin levels and is thus considered good for diabetic patients. It might also be beneficial for people trying to manage weight as it helps decrease food cravings thereby preventing overeating.
Also, eating Tamarind pulp helps to eliminate worms from the stomach due to its anthelmintic property.
Applying a paste of Tamarind seed powder along with honey on the skin helps in faster wound healing and also prevents skin infections due to its antimicrobial activity.
Tamarind paste should always be used in combination with rose water, milk or honey as it may cause hypersensitivity in some people if used alone
Tea Tree oil is an essential oil with potent antiseptic property. It is beneficial for acne management due to its antibacterial property.
Tea tree oil helps prevent skin pigmentation, promotes skin whitening and manages various skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Tea tree oil has strong antifungal property that helps keep fungal infections at bay. It can be applied along with coconut oil to the scalp to get rid of dandruff. Tea tree oil can also be applied to the nails to help manage fungal infections of the nail (onychomycosis).
A general caution involves using Tea tree oil diluted along with some carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil to prevent skin irritation
Tejpatta, also known as Indian Bay Leaf, is used to impart a characteristic flavor in various cuisines. It gives a warm, peppery, clove-cinnamon like flavor to food.
Tejpatta is beneficial for diabetes as it helps to manage blood glucose levels by enhancing insulin secretion due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. It is also good for heart health as it helps to lower the bad cholesterol and manages blood pressure by removing excessive sodium due to its diuretic property. Tejpatta might also help prevent stomach ulcers by reducing the free radical damage caused to stomach cells as it is rich in antioxidants and has gastroprotective properties. Adding Tejpatta leaves to food helps in improving digestion and also prevents gas and flatulence due to its carminative property.
Tejpatta oil is beneficial for managing rheumatoid arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. Massaging joints with Tejpatta oil helps to get relief from pain and swelling.
You can also apply Tejpatta oil on skin to help prevent wound infections and manage boils due to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties
Toor dal, also known as Arhar dal, is an important legume crop which is mainly used for its edible seeds. It is a rich source of various nutrients including proteins, complex carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.
Apart from its nutritional value, it also has many health benefits. It is useful in diabetes as it helps to lower blood glucose levels due to the presence of antioxidants. It aids in weight loss by lowering the cholesterol levels. According to Ayurveda, it is Grahi (absorbent) in nature due to which it helps to manage diarrhea.
Toor dal is beneficial in wounding healing due to its anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. It also helps in managing skin infections as it has antimicrobial properties.
Consumption of Toor Dal is generally considered safe. However, it might cause cause allergies in some individuals.
Triphala is a combination of three fruits or herbs “Haritaki, Bibhitaki and Amalaki”. In Ayurveda, it is known as Tridoshic Rasayana i.e., a therapeutic agent that balances all three doshas - Kapha, Vata and Pitta.
It is a rich source of antioxidants such as vitamin C which helps in building immunity. Taking Triphala supplements on an empty stomach before bed can be beneficial for internal cleansing due to its detoxifying property. Triphala churna also helps in weight loss as it shows significant reduction in energy intake and body fat. It’s consumption also provides protection from certain heart diseases due to its antioxidant property. Triphala powder when taken with milk or intake of Triphala capsules also provides relief from constipation due to its laxative property.
A paste of Triphala and coconut oil can be applied on the face to improve the skin texture and enhance skin elasticity due to its anti-aging property. Triphala is also considered good for the eyes due to its antioxidant activity which helps improve eye health. Triphala helps to control hair fall and promotes hair growth when applied on the scalp due to the presence of vitamin C.
Triphala is safe for all skin types but if you have dry skin, it is advisable to use Triphala with coconut oil. Excessive intake of Triphala might cause diarrhea
Tulsi is a holy plant that has both medicinal and spiritual properties. In Ayurveda, it is known by different names such as "Mother Medicine of Nature" and "The Queen of Herbs".
Tulsi is beneficial in relieving cough and cold symptoms due to its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitussive (cough-relieving) and anti-allergic properties. Taking a few leaves of Tulsi along with honey helps relieve cough and flu as it improves immune health. Taking Tulsi tea on a daily basis has a calming effect and helps reduce stress.
According to Ayurveda, Tulsi helps reduce asthmatic symptoms due to its Kapha-balancing property.
Tulsi is also useful in managing ringworm infection. Applying a paste of Tulsi leaves on the affected area helps prevent infection and also relieves inflammation as well as pain
Turmeric is an ancient spice which has been used mainly in cooking.
It is used to manage the pain and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. This is due to the presence of curcumin which has anti-inflammatory property.
Turmeric also helps manage diabetes by lowering blood glucose level. Its antioxidant property helps reduce diabetes-related complications like ulcers, wounds and kidney damage.
External application of Turmeric powder helps control skin problems like acne due to its antibacterial property
It is advisable to avoid Tumeric during summers as it can cause dysentery and diarrhea. This is due to its hot potency. Although Turmeric is safe in food amount, keep a gap of 1-2 months if you are taking Turmeric as a medicine.
Sheetal Chini or KababChini is a perennial woody climber with ash grey climbing stems and branches, rooted at the joints. The dried, fully-grown but unripe fruit is used for medicinal purposes. Fruits possess a spicy, aromatic odor and somewhat bitter and acrid in taste. The pharmacological activities possess by bioactive constituents are anesthetic, antihelmintic, anti-asthmatic, antiemetic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, appetizer, aromatic, astringent, cardiotonic, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, rejuvenating, stomachic, thermogenic. These properties help to manage diseases like acute rhinitis, amenorrhoea, anorexia, asthma, cardiac debility, catarrh, chronic bronchitis, headache, cough, cystitis, diarrhea, jaundice, dysentery, inflammation, urticaria
Shikakai which means “fruit for hair” is a part of the traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine. It is an herb especially used for controlling hair fall and dandruff.
Shikakai can be used alone or in combination with reetha and amla as a shampoo to help manage hair fall and prevent dandruff due to its cleansing and antifungal properties. It provides shine to the hair as well as prevents its greying.
According to Ayurveda, applying Shikakai powder along with rose water or honey to wounds helps in faster healing due to its Ropan (healing) property and Sita (cold) nature.
Drinking Shikakai infusion helps manage constipation due to its Rechana (laxative) nature. It is also beneficial for bleeding piles due to its Kashaya (astringent) property
Shilajit is a mineral based extract which is pale-brown to blackish-brown in color. It is found in the Himalayan rocks and is composed of a gummy substance. Shilajit contains humus, organic plant materials and fulvic acid. It consists of more than 84 minerals including copper, silver, zinc, iron, and lead.
Shilajit is a health rejuvenator that improves sexual stamina and also improves energy levels. This helps manage chronic fatigue, tiredness, lethargy and fatigue due to diabetes. Shilajit is known to improve the testosterone level and enhance male fertility. It is also beneficial in anemia and memory loss.
Soybean, commonly known as Soy, is a leguminous crop that contains high amounts of beneficial components such as proteins, fibers, etc. It has high oil content and contains nutrients like calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.
Soybean improves metabolism which helps in weight management. It also helps manage blood sugar levels by increasing insulin secretion due to its antioxidant property. Soy milk that is prepared from Soybean helps in managing lactose intolerance as it is lactose-free. It is often considered an ideal replacement of milk.
Soybean is considered to be good for the skin due to its anti-aging property. Applying Soybean oil to the skin helps in skin cell regeneration. Being rich in high-quality protein, Soybean oil might prevent hair damage and improve hair growth.
It is important to know that Soybean might cause allergic reactions such as rash and itching in some people. So, it is advisable to consult a physician before using Soybean in people allergic to Soybean or other Soy products
Spinach is one of the most commonly available and consumed leafy vegetables and is high in nutritional value, especially iron.
Consuming Spinach on a regular basis is beneficial in case of anemia as it is a rich source of iron. It can also be consumed in the form of juice to promote weight loss. Spinach might also be useful for diabetics as it helps manage blood sugar levels.
In Ayurveda, Spinach is considered as a good source of reducing dryness of hair as well as hair loss due to its Picchila (sticky) property. Spinach paste or juice can help manage sunburn as applying it on the skin might heal burned skin due to its Sita (cold) and Ropan (healing) properties
Stevia is a small perennial shrub that has been used for centuries as a sweetener. It is also used for various medicinal purposes.
Stevia is an ideal sweetener for diabetic patients as it increases insulin production due to its antioxidant property. It is also useful for weight management as it is low in calories. Stevia is also beneficial for the liver as it has hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties.
Stevia is good for the skin as it has anti-wrinkle property which helps tighten the skin and provide shine to it. It’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help manage eczema and promote wound healing.
Stevia might cause allergic reactions or itchy rashes in some hypersensitive people, so, in such cases, it is advisable to consult a physician before using stevia
Stone Flower, also known as Chharila or Phattar Phool, is a lichen generally used as a spice to enhance the flavor and taste of food.
According to Ayurveda, Stone Flower is useful in reducing the risk of as well as removing Mutrashmari (renal calculi) or kidney stones by increasing the production of urine due to its diuretic property. Stone Flower powder is very effective in promoting wound healing as it possesses antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Although there are no side effects of the consumption of Stone Flower, it might aggravate some problems like cough and cold in people with weak immunity or who regularly suffer from these ailments due to its Sita (cold potency) nature
Strawberry is a sweet, sour and deep red colored fruit. It is a good source of vitamin C, phosphorus and iron.
Strawberry boosts immunity and helps fight various infections and diseases. It promotes heart health and helps reduce high cholesterol due to its antioxidant property.
According to Ayurveda, Strawberries might be useful in managing constipation due to its Vata balancing and Rechana (laxative) properties.
Strawberry is used in a variety of cosmetic products such as scrubs and creams as it is good for the skin. It helps to reduce oiliness from the skin, controls acne and also promotes skin whitening
Suddh Suahaga is known as Tankana in Ayurveda and Borax in English. It is available in crystalline form and has various therapeutic properties that might help improve health.
As per Ayurveda, Suddh Suhaga bhasma along with honey helps manage cough and cold by loosening mucus due to its Ushna and Kapha balancing properties. It also helps to control bloating as it improves the digestive fire because of its hot potency. Consuming Suddh Suhaga Bhasma might also help to control urinary tract infections due to its antimicrobial property.
Applying Suddh Suhaga along with coconut oil or honey or lemon juice helps control dandruff, skin infections, and warts due to its Tikshna (sharp), Ruksha (dry) and Kshara (alkaline) properties.
It is advisable to use Suddh Suhaga along with coconut oil if you are applying it on your scalp due to its hot potency
Sunflower or Suryamukhi is one of the most beautiful flowers. Sunflower oil extracted from its seeds is the world’s second most edible oil. It is rich in healthy fats, various vitamins and minerals that play a very important role in reducing the risk of many health problems.
Consuming soaked Sunflower seeds helps manage constipation by reducing dryness of the intestine. Sunflower oil is also beneficial for the heart due to the presence of antioxidants that help manage cholesterol levels in the blood. Using Sunflower oil for cooking might help to improve digestion. It also helps reduce pain and swelling in rheumatoid arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory property.
You can apply Sunflower oil to helps manage skin infections due to its antimicrobial activity
Sweet potato is a delicious vegetable with high nutritional value as it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, dietary fiber and is an excellent source of carbohydrates.
Sweet potato has the potential to reduce appetite and food intake which helps control excessive weight gain and also manage digestion related problems. Sweet potato contains vitamin C and beta-carotene that are beneficial for the skin as they help delay the ageing process due to the antioxidant property. Vitamin C present in Sweet potato helps enhance the immune system which prevents the occurrence of various infections. Sweet potato is also considered good for men as it is rich in vitamin A which plays a role in improving sperm quality and reducing the risk of any genetic defects. It can be taken by diabetics also as it has a low glycemic index which helps control the blood sugar level and does not lead to a sudden rise in blood sugar.
Sweet potato may slow down digestion and cause flatulence when eaten raw. Thus, it is advisable to boil, slow cook, bake, steam cook or fry Sweet potato for consumption
Tagar is a hairy herb that grows in the temperate regions of the Himalayas and Khasia.
Tagar roots help in reducing anxiety and improving sleep as it relaxes the central nervous system due to its sedative and anxiolytic properties. It is beneficial in managing blood pressure by relaxing the smooth muscles and increasing the blood flow due to its blood pressure-lowering activity. Tagar also helps manage muscle pain as it possesses antispasmodic and analgesic properties. In Ayurveda, taking Tagar powder along with milk helps to induce sound sleep due to its Vata balancing properties.
Externally, Tagar helps in managing skin diseases as it inhibits the growth of skin pathogens due to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.
As Tagar has sedative activity, it is advisable not to take this along with sedatives or CNS depressants as it might prolong the drowsiness
Tamarind also known as “Indian date” is a sweet and sour fruit that is an integral part of the Indian cuisine and has many health benefits.
Tamarind is considered good for constipation due to its laxative property. It helps to boost immunity as it is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, making it useful in managing common cold.
Tamarind powder might also help to manage blood sugar as well as insulin levels and is thus considered good for diabetic patients. It might also be beneficial for people trying to manage weight as it helps decrease food cravings thereby preventing overeating.
Also, eating Tamarind pulp helps to eliminate worms from the stomach due to its anthelmintic property.
Applying a paste of Tamarind seed powder along with honey on the skin helps in faster wound healing and also prevents skin infections due to its antimicrobial activity.
Tamarind paste should always be used in combination with rose water, milk or honey as it may cause hypersensitivity in some people if used alone
Tea Tree oil is an essential oil with potent antiseptic property. It is beneficial for acne management due to its antibacterial property.
Tea tree oil helps prevent skin pigmentation, promotes skin whitening and manages various skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Tea tree oil has strong antifungal property that helps keep fungal infections at bay. It can be applied along with coconut oil to the scalp to get rid of dandruff. Tea tree oil can also be applied to the nails to help manage fungal infections of the nail (onychomycosis).
A general caution involves using Tea tree oil diluted along with some carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil to prevent skin irritation
Tejpatta, also known as Indian Bay Leaf, is used to impart a characteristic flavor in various cuisines. It gives a warm, peppery, clove-cinnamon like flavor to food.
Tejpatta is beneficial for diabetes as it helps to manage blood glucose levels by enhancing insulin secretion due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. It is also good for heart health as it helps to lower the bad cholesterol and manages blood pressure by removing excessive sodium due to its diuretic property. Tejpatta might also help prevent stomach ulcers by reducing the free radical damage caused to stomach cells as it is rich in antioxidants and has gastroprotective properties. Adding Tejpatta leaves to food helps in improving digestion and also prevents gas and flatulence due to its carminative property.
Tejpatta oil is beneficial for managing rheumatoid arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. Massaging joints with Tejpatta oil helps to get relief from pain and swelling.
You can also apply Tejpatta oil on skin to help prevent wound infections and manage boils due to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties
Toor dal, also known as Arhar dal, is an important legume crop which is mainly used for its edible seeds. It is a rich source of various nutrients including proteins, complex carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.
Apart from its nutritional value, it also has many health benefits. It is useful in diabetes as it helps to lower blood glucose levels due to the presence of antioxidants. It aids in weight loss by lowering the cholesterol levels. According to Ayurveda, it is Grahi (absorbent) in nature due to which it helps to manage diarrhea.
Toor dal is beneficial in wounding healing due to its anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. It also helps in managing skin infections as it has antimicrobial properties.
Consumption of Toor Dal is generally considered safe. However, it might cause cause allergies in some individuals.
Triphala is a combination of three fruits or herbs “Haritaki, Bibhitaki and Amalaki”. In Ayurveda, it is known as Tridoshic Rasayana i.e., a therapeutic agent that balances all three doshas - Kapha, Vata and Pitta.
It is a rich source of antioxidants such as vitamin C which helps in building immunity. Taking Triphala supplements on an empty stomach before bed can be beneficial for internal cleansing due to its detoxifying property. Triphala churna also helps in weight loss as it shows significant reduction in energy intake and body fat. It’s consumption also provides protection from certain heart diseases due to its antioxidant property. Triphala powder when taken with milk or intake of Triphala capsules also provides relief from constipation due to its laxative property.
A paste of Triphala and coconut oil can be applied on the face to improve the skin texture and enhance skin elasticity due to its anti-aging property. Triphala is also considered good for the eyes due to its antioxidant activity which helps improve eye health. Triphala helps to control hair fall and promotes hair growth when applied on the scalp due to the presence of vitamin C.
Triphala is safe for all skin types but if you have dry skin, it is advisable to use Triphala with coconut oil. Excessive intake of Triphala might cause diarrhea
Tulsi is a holy plant that has both medicinal and spiritual properties. In Ayurveda, it is known by different names such as "Mother Medicine of Nature" and "The Queen of Herbs".
Tulsi is beneficial in relieving cough and cold symptoms due to its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitussive (cough-relieving) and anti-allergic properties. Taking a few leaves of Tulsi along with honey helps relieve cough and flu as it improves immune health. Taking Tulsi tea on a daily basis has a calming effect and helps reduce stress.
According to Ayurveda, Tulsi helps reduce asthmatic symptoms due to its Kapha-balancing property.
Tulsi is also useful in managing ringworm infection. Applying a paste of Tulsi leaves on the affected area helps prevent infection and also relieves inflammation as well as pain
Turmeric is an ancient spice which has been used mainly in cooking.
It is used to manage the pain and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. This is due to the presence of curcumin which has anti-inflammatory property.
Turmeric also helps manage diabetes by lowering blood glucose level. Its antioxidant property helps reduce diabetes-related complications like ulcers, wounds and kidney damage.
External application of Turmeric powder helps control skin problems like acne due to its antibacterial property
It is advisable to avoid Tumeric during summers as it can cause dysentery and diarrhea. This is due to its hot potency. Although Turmeric is safe in food amount, keep a gap of 1-2 months if you are taking Turmeric as a medicine.
Urad dal is also known as Black gram in English and Masha in Ayurveda. It is used for various medicinal purposes in Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is a rich source of nutrition and helps boost energy.
Urad dal is rich in fibers which help improves digestion. It may also help manage constipation by promoting bowel movements due to its laxative property. Regular consumption of Urad dal improves sexual desire in men which in turn helps manage sexual dysfunction due to its aphrodisiac property. Urad dal is also considered to be good for diabetes as it improves insulin secretion and sensitivity.
According to Ayurveda, adding Urad dal to your daily diet helps in weight gain due to its Guru (heavy) and Balya nature.
Applying the paste of Urad dal along with rose water and honey on the face helps promote skin whitening as it reduces melanin production and promotes skin health. Urad dal hair mask can be applied on the hair scalp to help strengthen and lengthen hair as well as manage dandruff.
Avoid eating Urad dal in excess at night as it takes a longer time to get digested properly. It is also advisable for pregnant women with constipation to avoid Urad dal and dishes made of Urad dal so as to prevent stomach problems
Vacha is an ancient herb having various health benefits. The name “Vacha” in Sanskrit means speaking clearly because this herb stimulates intelligence and expression. In Ayurveda, Vacha is known as a rejuvenating herb because of its effect on the nervous system. It is bitter in taste and is used in the dried form.
According to Ayurveda, taking Vacha along with honey on a daily basis helps manage speech disorders due to its Vata balancing and Medhya properties. It’s consumption also helps in the management of cough by promoting the removal of sputum from the air passages due to its expectorant activity. Vacha also helps improve memory by fighting against cell damage caused by free radicals due to its antioxidant property. This improves behavioral changes, memory and mental performance as well. It also helps remove kidney stones by increasing the production of urine due to its diuretic activity. .
A paste of Vacha powder and water can be applied to the skin to help give you a glowing skin and control various skin infections due to its Tikhta (bitter) and Tikshna (sharpness) properties. Vacha essential oil might be considered useful in reducing pain and inflammation when applied externally due to its anti-inflammatory property. Topical application of Vacha powder with Triphala powder reduces fat on the belly and thigh.
Avoid excessive intake of Vacha as it might cause acidity if you have weak digestion
Varun is a famous diuretic Ayurvedic herb. It is also a good blood purifier that helps to maintain homeostasis (healthy and a stable state of a living being).
Varun might help relieve constipation due to its laxative property as it loosen stools and promote bowel movement. It is also found to be useful in case of gout due to its anti-inflammatory property as it reduces joint pain and inflammation. Applying Varun leaves paste on abscess- affected area helps reduce the pain and inflammation.
According to Ayurveda, adding Varun powder along with honey to your daily diet helps improve appetite due to its Deepan (appetizer) property.
It is advisable to use Varun only under medical supervision if you are taking antihypertensive drugs due to its diuretic activity
Vatsnabh “the king of poisons‟ is a poisonous herb and widely used in therapeutics of Ayurveda and other traditional medicine, after the elimination of toxic components. Vatsnabh is pungent, bitter and astringent in taste. A majorly used part for therapeutic benefit is tuberous root. The therapeutic potency of Vatsnabha is more potent during the winter season. Pharmacological studies shown according to recent studies are anesthetic, antiarthritic, de-obstruent (Shroto-Vishodhana), diaphoretic, diuretic, sedative, a nerve stimulator, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antidote, and cardiac stimulant. These properties help to manage diseases like pyrexia, indigestion, anorexia, spleen disorders, gout, cough, Asthma, vision problems, night blindness, eye infections, inflammation, otitis, headache, sciatica, backache, and joint disorders.
Vidanga, commonly known as false black pepper, has various medicinal properties and is used in various ayurvedic formulations.
Vidanga is generally used to expel worms and parasites from the stomach due to its anthelmintic properties. It is beneficial for indigestion and also helps to manage constipation due to its laxative property. Taking Vidanga churna regularly might help manage weight by lowering lipid levels and improving the metabolism of the body. It might also protect the heart against free cell damage by free radicals due to its cardioprotective and antioxidant activities. Vidanga might also be useful in managing depression by improving mood as well as brain functions due to its antidepressant activity.
Vidanga seed paste can be applied on the skin to help get rid of acne due to its antibacterial property. You can also apply Vidanga seed paste along with rose water on the skin to improve your complexion
Vidarikand a perennial herb which is commonly known as Indian Kudzu. The tubers (roots) of this rejuvenating herb are mostly used as an immunity booster and restorative tonic. Roots of Vidarikand helps to increase the flow of mother’s milk and also increases both quality and quantity of semen in males that increase its count and mobility due to its spermatogenic property. Edible tubers of Vidarikand are also used to manage chest pain, rheumatism, and fever.
Taking it with milk after meals will provide you with maximum benefits.
Incorporating Vidarikand in your diet rejuvenates skin and increases glow.
Vijaysar is widely used in Ayurveda as a “Rasayana” (rejuvenating) herb. The bark of Vijaysar has significant importance in Ayurveda in managing diabetes and is also known as “The miracle cure for Diabetes” mainly due to its Tikta (bitter) nature.
Vijaysar helps to manage blood sugar levels by preventing the damage to pancreatic cells and promoting insulin secretion due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Drinking water kept overnight in glasses made of Vijaysar wood is an age old practice for keeping blood sugar levels in control. Taking 1-2 Vijaysar capsules twice a day is also good for diabetes and weight loss.
Vijaysar protects the liver against cell damage caused by free radicals due to its antioxidant activity. Vijaysar is effective in improving heart health by decreasing the production of bad cholesterol and fatty acids and also keeps a check on body weight due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Vijaysar might be beneficial for managing diarrhea by decreasing the frequency of stools due to its antidiarrhoeal property and also helps to expel intestinal worms due to its anthelmintic activity.
Vijaysar powder along with water can be applied on the skin to manage skin problems like inflammation and infections due to its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. Applying Vijaysar leaf juice along with honey on wounds promotes wound healing.
Vijaysar due to its blood sugar lowering property should be used carefully by diabetic patients as it may cause a sudden drop in blood sugar levels
Walnut is an essential nut which not only acts as a memory enhancer but also has various medicinal properties.
Walnuts are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids which are essential good fats that help reduce the risk of heart diseases. Walnuts are also considered as a super food for brain health due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Adding some Walnuts to the daily diet might help improve fertility in men as they improve the quality and quantity of sperm due to the presence of certain important fatty acids and nutrients.
The oil extracted from Walnuts has various benefits and is used in the cosmetic industry. It prevents acne, helps manage dry skin and prevent wrinkles, giving the skin a youthful glow
Watermelon is a delicious summer fruit packed with nutrients and 92% water content. It hydrates and helps keep the body cool during the hot months of summer.
Since Watermelon has high water content, it helps in weight loss by making you feel full and reducing the urge to overeat. It is beneficial in managing sexual problems in both men and women such as premature ejaculation and loss of libido. Consumption of Watermelon also helps in improving digestion because of its high fibre content.
Watermelon is widely used in the cosmetic industry to keep the skin and hair healthy due to its hydrating properties. In Ayurveda, Watermelon is considered to provide a cooling effect and remove dryness which helps manage acne and pimples. Applying Watermelon pulp or juice also protects from sunburn due to its Sita (cold) and Ropna (healing) properties
Wheat is the most widely cultivated cereal crop in the world. It is rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, proteins and minerals.
Wheat bran helps in managing constipation as it adds bulk to stools and helps in their easy passage mainly due to its laxative property. This laxative property also makes it useful for the management of piles. Wheat diet might also help in weight management as it gives a feeling of fullness and prevent overeating. Wheat flour is generally used to prepare chapatis. It is also added to various whole grain preparations like breads, noodles, pasta, oatmeal etc.
Wheat helps manage various skin problems like scars, burns, itching etc. as it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Wheat flour along with milk and honey can be applied on the face to get a clean and glowing skin. Wheat germ oil can also be applied to the skin for managing skin irritation, dryness and tanning due to its antioxidant property.
It should be noted that Wheat contains gluten which may cause allergies in some people, so it is advisable for gluten intolerant individuals to avoid the use of wheat or wheat products
Wheat germ is a part of the wheat kernel and the main byproduct of wheat flour milling. It has been used in animal fodder for a long time. However, due to its high nutritional value, its potential to be used for healthcare purposes is gaining attention. It can be added to smoothies, cereals, yogurt, ice cream, and various food items.
Wheat germ oil is rich in Vitamin B, A and D which are easily absorbed through the scalp and help in the repair of dull, damaged hair and promotes hair growth. It is also beneficial for the skin as it protects the skin from damage caused by free radicals and prevents skin aging due to its antioxidant properties.
Wheat germ helps to manage constipation because of its high fiber content. This makes it a healthy choice for weight loss. Consumption of wheat germ might help in improving heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing lipid absorption by the intestines.
Wheat germ contains gluten which might cause allergies in people having gluten intolerance(celiac disease), so it is advisable for gluten intolerant individuals to avoid or consult a physician before using wheat germ or other wheat products
Wheatgrass is known as Gehun, Kanak in Ayurveda calls it is Godhuma. Wheatgrass juice is rich in essential minerals and nutrients that improve liver function and boost immunity. Wheatgrass is known to minimize fatigue, improve sleep and increase strength naturally. It is also used to manage weight as it improves digestion. Wheatgrass juice also works as a blood purifier and supports healthy skin. Thus, it should be taken as the first meal of the day in order to explore its maximum benefits. Wheatgrass may lower blood sugar levels. Therefore, people with diabetes should keep their blood sugar levels monitored while taking wheatgrass
Yarrow is a flowering plant that commonly grows in the regions of North America, Europe, and Asia. It is also known as “nosebleed plant” as the leaves of this plant help in blood clotting and managing nose bleeds.
Yarrow is majorly consumed in the form of tea. Yarrow tea prepared from the Yarrow leaves helps manage fever by inducing sweating due to its antipyretic and diaphoretic properties. It is also used in diarrhea due to its antispasmodic property. Consuming Yarrow leaves might also help in digestion due to its carminative property.
Yarrow has various benefits for the skin. Being astringent in nature, it helps in skin tightening. It also manages skin conditions like acne when added as an ingredient in various skin care products. Yarrow leaves can also be chewed to manage toothache due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Yarrow should be used cautiously in people having hypersensitive skin as it might cause certain side effects like contact dermatitis, skin irritation, etc
Yavasa has great medicinal importance in Ayurveda. The roots, stem and twigs of this plant contain certain constituents that have potent medicinal properties.
According to Ayurveda, applying Yavasa powder along with milk or rose water helps reduce skin infections, skin rashes and speeds up wound healing due to its Ropan (healing) and Sita (cooling) properties. Topical application of Yavasa powder along with coconut oil might also provide relief from pain and inflammation caused due to arthritis as it possesses anti-inflammatory property.
Yavasa powder consumption helps improve digestion thereby provides relief from constipation due to its Pitta and Kapha balancing in the body
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